
Google to Invest $13 Billion in New US Offices, Data Centers

Google plans to invest more than $13 billion this year on new and expanded data centers and offices across the U.S. CEO Sundar Pichai announced the news in a blog post Wednesday , emphasizing the company’s growth outside its Mountain View, California, home and across the Midwest and South. “2019 marks the second year in …


US Taxpayers Face Bitter Surprise After Trump’s Tax Cuts

Some taxpayers are getting a bitter surprise this year as their usual annual tax refunds have shrunk — or turned into tax bills — even though President Donald Trump loudly promised them largest tax cut “in American history.” And with tax season under way, thousands of unhappy taxpayers have been venting their displeasure on Twitter, …


China’s Huawei Soft Power Push Raises Hard Questions

As a nasty diplomatic feud deepens between the two countries over the tech company, involving arrests and execution orders, it hasn’t gone unnoticed that Huawei’s bright red fan-shaped logo is plastered prominently on the set of “Hockey Night in Canada.” TV hosts regularly remind the 1.8 million weekly viewers that program segments are “presented by …


Google, Apple Face Calls to Pull Saudi App Allowing Men to Monitor Wives

A Saudi Arabian government app that allows men in the country to monitor and control their female relatives’ travel at the click of a button should be removed from Google and Apple’s online stores, a U.S. politician and activists said on Wednesday. Human rights campaigners argued the tech giants are enabling abuses against women and …


Somalia Readies for Oil Exploration, Still Working on Petroleum Law

The Somali government says it will award exploration licenses to foreign oil companies later this year, despite calls from the opposition to wait until laws and regulations governing the oil sector are in place. Seismic surveys conducted by two British companies, Soma Oil & Gas and Spectrum Geo, suggest that Somalia has promising oil reserves …


Державний борг США зріс до рекордних 22 трильйонів доларів

Незважаючи на сильну економіку, державний борг США збільшився до рекордних 22 трильйонів доларів. Про це повідомляє агентство Bloomberg. Як зазначає агентство, боргові зобов’язання Сполучених Штатів зростають на фоні переговорів президента США Дональда Трампа з членами Конгресу стосовно фінансування побудови стіни на кордоні з Мексикою. В той же час експерти попереджають про небезпеку зростання дефіциту бюджету …


For Those Who Can’t Read, A New Way to Use Mobile Devices

For the 750 million people globally who can’t read, using a smartphone can be difficult. One company is helping illiterate and low literacy users get connected. Tina Trinh reports. …


Global Unemployment Has Reached Lowest Level in a Decade

A new report finds the world’s unemployment rate has dropped to five percent, the lowest level since the global economic crisis in 2008. The International Labor Organization reports the jobs being created, however, are poor quality jobs that keep most of the world’s workers mired in poverty. Slightly more than 172 million people globally were …


Євросоюз домовився про нові правила регулювання газопроводу «Північний потік-2»

Євросоюз 12 лютого домовився про нові правила регулювання газопроводу «Північний потік-2». На газопровід будуть поширюватися вимоги європейської газової директиви, однак Німеччина зможе робити для нього виключення. Їх потрібно буде погоджувати з Єврокомісією. Німеччина, компанії з якої беруть фінансову участь у проекті постачання газу до Європи з Росії в обхід транзитних можливостей України, підтримує його і …


У 2018 році ВВП України зріс на 3,2% – уряд

У 2018 році валовий внутрішній продукт України зріс на 3,2%, заявив прем’єр-міністр України Володимир Гройсман. «Ми маємо досить позитивний показник 3,2% зростання ВВП. Це оперативні дані згідно з розрахунками Мінекономіки», – сказав Гройсман. Він додав, що рівень інфляції в Україні у 2018 році склав менш як 10%. За оцінкою Світового банку, у 2017 році валовий …


Supporters Renew Push for Nationwide Paid Family Leave in US

Democrats pushed on Tuesday for a nationwide paid family leave system in the United States, the only developed nation that does not guarantee pay to workers taking time off to care for children or other relatives. The proposal would establish a national insurance program to provide workers with up to 12 weeks paid leave per …


Overseas Tariffs Sour US Whiskey Exports

American whiskey makers are feeling the pain after their major overseas markets imposed hefty duties on their liquor in retaliation against President Donald Trump’s tariffs on aluminum imports. U.S. global whiskey exports, which include rye and bourbons, recorded a nifty 28 percent year-over-year increase in the first six months 2018, the Distilled Spirits Council said …


Fed Chairman: Prosperity Not Felt in All Areas

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell traveled Tuesday to a historically black university in the Mississippi Delta to deliver a message that the nation’s prosperity has not been felt in many such areas around the country.   Powell said that many rural areas had been left out and needed special support, such as access to affordable …


Pentagon Outlines its First Artificial Intelligence Strategy

The U.S. military wants to expand its use of artificial intelligence in warfare, but says it will take care to deploy the technology in accordance with the nation’s values.   The Pentagon outlined its first AI strategy in a report released Tuesday.   The plan calls for accelerating the use of AI systems throughout the …


Russian Lawmakers Back Bill on ‘Sovereign’ Internet

Russian lawmakers backed tighter internet controls on Tuesday to defend against foreign meddling in draft legislation that critics warn could disrupt Russia’s internet and be used to stifle dissent. The legislation, which some Russian media have likened to an online “iron curtain,” passed its first of three readings in the 450-seat lower chamber of parliament. …


Reddit Value at $3B After $300M in Finance Led by Tencent

Social media service Reddit Inc. says it has raised $300 million in a financing round led by Chinese internet giant Tencent. Reddit’s CEO, Steve Huffman, told CNBC on Monday that values the privately held company at $3 billion. Half the new money came from Tencent, Asia’s most valuable tech company. Other investors included Sequoia, Fidelity, …


Toys R US Plans Second Act Under New Name

Toys R Us fans in the U.S. should see the iconic brand re-emerge in some form by this holiday season.   Richard Barry, a former Toys R Us executive and now CEO of the new company called Tru Kids Brands, told The Associated Press he and his team are still working on the details, but …


Iowa Democrats Propose ‘Virtual’ Caucuses in 2020

The Iowa Democratic Party on Monday proposed the biggest changes to the state’s famed caucuses in nearly 50 years by recommending Iowans be able to participate virtually.   If approved, the measure would allow people to caucus using telephones or smart devices during the days leading up to the Feb. 3 caucus night.   It’s …


Mexican Union Declares Victory in Strike at 48 Border Plants

A union declared total victory in a mass strike by about 25,000 workers at 48 assembly plants in a Mexican border city, but the movement spawned a storm of wildcat walkouts Monday at other businesses.   The Industrial Workers and Laborers’ Union won 20 percent wage increases at all 48 “maquiladora” factories in Matamoros, across …


Report: Vale Knew Deadly Dam Had Heightened Risk of Collapse

Vale SA, the world’s largest iron ore miner, knew last year that the dam in Brazil that collapsed in January and killed at least 165 people had a heightened risk of rupturing, according to an internal document seen by Reuters on Monday. The report, dated Oct. 3, 2018, shows that Vale classified Dam 1 at …


Trump Administration Unveils Order to Prioritize, Promote AI

U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order asking federal government agencies to dedicate more resources and investment into research, promotion and training on artificial intelligence, known as AI. Under the American AI Initiative, the administration is directing agencies to prioritize AI investments in research and development, increase access to federal data and …


AP Explains: The Promise and Hype of 5G Wireless

A much-hyped network upgrade called “5G” means different things to different people. To industry proponents, it’s the next huge innovation in wireless internet. To the U.S. government, it’s the backbone technology of a future that America will wrestle with China to control. To many average people, it’s simply a mystery. The technology is one of …