
Residents on Kenya’s coast use app to track migratory birds

The Tana River delta on the Kenyan coast includes a vast range of habitats and a remarkably productive ecosystem, says UNESCO. It is also home to many bird species, including some that are nearly threatened. Residents are helping local conservation efforts with an app called eBird. Juma Majanga reports. …


Deepfakes featuring deceased terrorists spread radical propaganda

In a year with over 60 national elections worldwide, concerns are high that individuals and entities are using deepfake images and recordings to contribute to the flood of election misinformation. VOA’s Rio Tuasikal reports on some potentially dangerous videos made using generative AI. …


US prosecutors see rising threat of AI-generated child sex abuse imagery

U.S. federal prosecutors are stepping up their pursuit of suspects who use artificial intelligence tools to manipulate or create child sex abuse images, as law enforcement fears the technology could spur a flood of illicit material. The U.S. Justice Department has brought two criminal cases this year against defendants accused of using generative AI systems, …


China says unidentified foreign company conducted illegal mapping services 

BEIJING — China’s state security ministry said that a foreign company had been found to have illegally conducted geographic mapping activities in the country under the guise of autonomous driving research and outsourcing to a licensed Chinese mapping firm. The ministry did not disclose the names of either company in a statement on its WeChat account …


Chinese cyber association calls for review of Intel products sold in China 

BEIJING — Intel products sold in China should be subject to a security review, the Cybersecurity Association of China (CSAC) said on Wednesday, alleging the U.S. chipmaker has “constantly harmed” the country’s national security and interests.  While CSAC is an industry group rather than a government body, it has close ties to the Chinese state and …


EU AI Act checker reveals Big Tech’s compliance pitfalls

LONDON — Some of the most prominent artificial intelligence models are falling short of European regulations in key areas such as cybersecurity resilience and discriminatory output, according to data seen by Reuters. The EU had long debated new AI regulations before OpenAI released ChatGPT to the public in late 2022. The record-breaking popularity and ensuing public …


‘Age of electricity’ to follow looming fossil fuel peak, IEA says

LONDON — The world is on the brink of a new age of electricity with fossil fuel demand set to peak by the end of the decade, meaning surplus oil and gas supplies could drive investment into green energy, the International Energy Agency said on Wednesday. But it also flagged a high level of uncertainty as …


Report: Iran cyberattacks against Israel surge after Gaza war

Israel has become the top target of Iranian cyberattacks since the start of the Gaza war last year, while Tehran had focused primarily on the United States before the conflict, Microsoft said Tuesday. “Following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, Iran surged its cyber, influence, and cyber-enabled influence operations against Israel,” Microsoft said in an …


Microsoft: Cybercriminals increasingly help Russia, China, Iran target US, allies

WASHINGTON — Russia, China and Iran are increasingly relying on criminal networks to lead cyberespionage and hacking operations against adversaries such as the United States, according to a report on digital threats published Tuesday by Microsoft. The growing collaboration between authoritarian governments and criminal hackers has alarmed national security officials and cybersecurity experts. They say it …


Africa’s farming future could include more digital solutions

NAIROBI, KENYA — More than 400 delegates and organizations working in Africa’s farming sector are in Nairobi, Kenya, this week to discuss how digital agriculture can improve the lives of farmers and the continent’s food system. Tech innovators discussed the need for increased funding, especially for women. In past decades, African farmers have struggled to produce …


В ЄС зріс імпорт російського скрапленого газу, країни-члени вимагають його відстежувати

Єврокомісію просять краще контролювати, щоб про операції з розвантаження російського СПГ обовʼязково повідомляли, як цього вимагає 14-й пакет санкцій ЄС …


Paris Motor Show opens during brewing EV trade war between EU, China

Paris — The Auto manufacturers competing to persuade drivers to go electric are rolling out cheaper, more tech-rich models at the Paris Motor Show, targeting everyone from luxury clients to students yet to receive their driving licenses.  The biennial show has long been a major industry showcase, tracing its history to 1898.  Chinese manufacturers are attending …


Britain to allow drones to inspect power lines, wind turbines

london — Britain’s aviation regulator said Tuesday that it would allow drones to inspect infrastructure such as power lines and wind turbines, a move the authority has described as a significant milestone.  The U.K.’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) had said earlier this year that it wanted to permit more drone flying for such activities as well …


Чехія витратила на закупівлю нафти та газу з РФ у кілька разів більше, ніж на військову допомогу Україні

Після початку повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну Чехія, Угорщина та Словаччина як країни без виходу до моря отримали виключення з європейського ембарго на російську нафту …


Нобелівську премію з економіки присудили за дослідження відмінностей у процвітанні країн

Лауреатами Нобелівської премії з економіки стали вчені Дарон Асемоглу, Саймон Джонсон и Джеймс Робінсон …


Online hate against South Asian Americans rises steadily, report says

WASHINGTON — Online hate against Americans of South Asian ancestry has risen steadily in 2023 and 2024 with the rise of politicians from that community to prominence, according to a report released Wednesday by nonprofit group Stop AAPI Hate. Why it’s important Democratic presidential candidate and Vice President Kamala Harris is of Indian descent, as are …


Meta removes fake accounts in Moldova ahead of presidential election

STOCKHOLM — Meta Platforms said on Friday that it had removed a network of group accounts targeting Russian speakers in Moldova ahead of the country’s October 20 election, for violation of the company’s policy on fake accounts. Authorities in Moldova, an ex-Soviet state lying between Romania and Ukraine, said they had blocked dozens of Telegram channels …


Уряд погодив продаж акцій Об’єднаної гірничо-хімічної компанії за майже 4 млрд гривень

Днями Фонд держмайна повідомив, що на аукціон із приватизації ОГХК подав один учасник – компанія «Цемін Україна» …


Despite tariffs, China drives toward dominating EV market all over world

washington — As China pursues tit-for-tat actions against the European Union in response to tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles, Beijing’s drive for global dominance in the automotive sector continues unabated. Over the past year, companies such as EV giant BYD and others have made inroads in markets from Southeast Asia to Latin America and Africa, even …


Smithsonian and NASA present exhibit that explores ever-changing Earth 

This month, [October 8] the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History opened “NASA’s Earth Information Center” an exhibition that gives visitors a firsthand look at the forces shaping our planet. Andrei Dziarkach has the story, narrated by Anna Rice. Camera: Artem Kohan …


US lawmakers seek answers from telecoms on Chinese hacking report

WASHINGTON — A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers asked AT&T, Verizon Communications, and Lumen Technologies on Friday to answer questions after a report that Chinese hackers accessed the networks of U.S. broadband providers.  The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday hackers obtained information from systems the federal government uses for court-authorized wiretapping, and said the three companies …


У США висунули звинувачення директору Enerkon за неправдиві повідомлення про роботу в Україні

SEC заявила, що Бенджамін Баллаут випустив принаймні три неправдиві пресрелізи, спрямовані на підвищення ціни акцій компанії …