У 2018 році реальні доходи населення зросли на 9,9% порівняно з попереднім роком, повідомила Державна служба статистики України. У 2018 доходи населення становили 3,219 трильйона гривень, витрати – 3,202 трильйона гривень, а приріст заощаджень – 16,8 мільярда гривень. Наявний річний дохід у розрахунку на одну особу становив 57 908 гривень. Найбільше українці витрачають на товари та …
Category: Бізнес
Бізнесові новини. Бізнес (також відомий як підприємство або фірма) є установою, що бере участь у виробництві продукції, торгівлі товарами чи послугах споживачам. Компанії – найбільш поширені у капіталістичній економіці, де більшість з них приватні та засновані задля одержання прибутку, отже збільшення багатства їхнім власникам
TSA’s Social Media Highlight Weird Stuff in Travelers’ Bags
David Johnston stands over a table full of peculiar items confiscated at Dulles International Airport: a glittery clutch with brass knuckles as a clasp. A perfume bottle shaped like a grenade. A rusted circular saw blade. A pocket-sized pitchfork. None of those is quite right. Then Johnston sees it: a guitar shaped like a semi-automatic …
TSA’s Social Media Highlight Weird Stuff in Travelers’ Bags
David Johnston stands over a table full of peculiar items confiscated at Dulles International Airport: a glittery clutch with brass knuckles as a clasp. A perfume bottle shaped like a grenade. A rusted circular saw blade. A pocket-sized pitchfork. None of those is quite right. Then Johnston sees it: a guitar shaped like a semi-automatic …
Kellogg Selling Keebler and Other Brands for $1.3 Billion
Kellogg is selling its iconic Keebler cookie brand and other sweet snacks businesses to Ferrero for $1.3 billion. The Battle Creek, Michigan-based Kellogg Co. says the brands in the deal generated sales of $900 million and profits of $75 million last year. Kellogg is also selling its Mother’s and Famous Amos cookie brands, as well …
Kellogg Selling Keebler and Other Brands for $1.3 Billion
Kellogg is selling its iconic Keebler cookie brand and other sweet snacks businesses to Ferrero for $1.3 billion. The Battle Creek, Michigan-based Kellogg Co. says the brands in the deal generated sales of $900 million and profits of $75 million last year. Kellogg is also selling its Mother’s and Famous Amos cookie brands, as well …
«Укренерго» повідомляє про початок реєстрації учасників ринків електроенергії
Державне підприємство «Укренерго» повідомило, що 1 квітня починається реєстрація учасників ринку електричної енергії. «Відповідно до закону України «Про ринок електричної енергії» та Постанови НКРЕКП від 14.03.2018 р. № 307 «Про затвердження Правил ринку» 1 квітня 2019 р. Укренерго розпочало реєстрацію учасників ринку», – йдеться в заяві компанії. Реєстрація необхідна для роботи на ринку електроенергії – …
South Dakota Farmers to Plant More Corn, Less Soybeans
South Dakota farmers this spring are expected to plant more corn than they did last year but less soybeans. The Agriculture Department projects South Dakota’s corn crop at 6 million acres, up 13 percent from 2018. The soybean crop is forecast at 5.2 million acres, down 8 percent. Other crops with expected increases are oil …
South Dakota Farmers to Plant More Corn, Less Soybeans
South Dakota farmers this spring are expected to plant more corn than they did last year but less soybeans. The Agriculture Department projects South Dakota’s corn crop at 6 million acres, up 13 percent from 2018. The soybean crop is forecast at 5.2 million acres, down 8 percent. Other crops with expected increases are oil …
Bait Crisis Could Take the Steam Out of Lobster This Summer
The boom times for the U.S. lobster industry are imperiled this year because of a shortage of a little fish that has been luring the crustaceans into traps for hundreds of years. Members of the lobster business fear a looming bait crisis could disrupt the industry during a time when lobsters are as plentiful, valuable …
World Turns Off Lights for Earth Hour
The Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building, the Sydney Opera House, the Brandenburg Gate, the Acropolis and many more iconic landmarks went dark at 8:30 p.m. local time, Saturday night, for Earth Hour, an annual call for local action on climate change. Earth Hour is the brain child of the World Wildlife Fund. “By going …
US, China Face Off Over 5G in Cambodia
For techies and phone geeks, Digital Cambodia 2019 was the place to be. More than a dozen high school students clustered at the booth for Cellcard, Cambodia’s leading mobile operator. Under the booth’s 5G sign, they played video games on their phones. Hak Kimheng, a ninth grade student in Phnom Penh, said his mom bought …
US Uses Obscure Agency to Target Chinese Foreign Investments
For decades, it was virtually unknown outside a small circle of investors, corporate lawyers and government officials. But in recent years, the small interagency body known as the Committee for Investment in the United States has grown in prominence, propelled by a U.S. desire to use it as an instrument of national security and …
Facebook Beefs Up Political Ad Rules Ahead of EU Election
Facebook said Friday it is further tightening requirements for European Union political advertising, in its latest efforts to prevent foreign interference and increase transparency ahead of the bloc’s parliamentary elections. However, some EU politicians criticized the social media giant, saying the measures will make pan-European online campaigning harder. Under the new rules, people, parties and …
Lyft Shares Soar on Nasdaq Debut After IPO
Lyft Inc shares on Friday opened up 21.2 percent at $87.24 in its market debut on the Nasdaq after the company was valued at $24.3 billion in the first initial public offering (IPO) of a ride-hailing startup. On Thursday, Lyft said it priced 32.5 million shares, slightly more that it was offering originally, at $72, …
Гривня дещо зміцніє щодо долара в понеділок – НБУ
Національний банк встановив курс гривні на понеділок 1 квітня. Офіційний курс становитиме 27,2 гривні за 1 долар США. Курс гривні 29 березня становить 27,24 гривні за долар. Таким чином, згідно з даними НБУ, на початку квітня гривня дещо зміцнішає після кількатижневого падіння. За даними профільного сайту «Мінфін», торги на міжбанку 29 березня почалися з курсу 27,21-27,26 …
Students Mix Tech, Fashion Wearables for the Disabled
Most of us don’t give much thought to getting dressed every day, but for the elderly and disabled, seemingly simple tasks – like buttoning a shirt – can prove complicated. Fashion design students recently looked at low-tech ways to make clothes smarter. Tina Trinh reports. …
Graphene Begins to Realize its Potential
At one atom thick, graphene is one of those miracle materials that many say is the stuff of the future. The future may be now as graphene’s potential is being realized as the key to quick efficient 5G networks, and the future of telecommunications. VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports. …
Bipartisan Support Seen for a US-Taiwan Free-trade Deal
Influential figures in Washington are calling for the establishment of a bilateral free-trade agreement with Taiwan, even as U.S. and Chinese officials move toward a resolution of their long-running trade dispute. “We have a lot of issues with Beijing, and a lot of opportunities with Taiwan,” said Edwin J. Feulner in an interview with …
US Housing Department Charges Facebook With Housing Discrimination
Facebook was charged with discrimination by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development because of its ad-targeting system. HUD said Thursday Facebook is allowing advertisers to exclude people based on their neighborhood by drawing a red line around those neighborhoods on a map and giving advertisers the option of showing ads only to men …
Гривня втратила ще майже 17 копійок щодо долара – офіційний курс
Національний банк України встановив на 29 березня курс 27 гривень 24,87 копійки за долар США, послабивши українську валюту майже на 17 копійок. Регулятор продовжує відбивати тенденції, що спостерігаються на українському міжбанківському валютному ринку, не втручаючись у перебіг торгів. Торги на міжбанку 28 березня розпочалися з рівнів 27 гривень 22 – 24 копійки, що значно вище …
Tossing Coins on Brexit: 2nd Referendum, General Election?
Britons desperately wanting some clarity in the country’s interminable Brexit saga were disappointed Wednesday when lawmakers plunged the country’s proposed exit from the European Union, after half-a-century of membership, into further disarray, failing to find a majority for any way forward after a series of so-called indicative votes. The hope had been a majority might …
British Report Finds Technical Risks in Huawei Network Gear
British cybersecurity inspectors have found significant technical issues in Chinese telecom supplier Huawei’s software that they say pose risks for the country’s telecom companies. The annual report Thursday said there is only “limited assurance” that long-term national security risks from Huawei’s involvement in critical British telecom networks can be adequately managed. The report …